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Randy Ai, Toronto Employment Lawyer

Randy Ai is the founder and principal of Randy Ai Law Office. He is a successful Toronto employment lawyer practicing in all areas of labour law, human rights law, and workplace law. Since 2007 he has represented employees, employers, and the Ontario Ministry of Labour. Prior to establishing his own employment law practice in Toronto, Randy worked for one of the top labour & employment firms in Canada. 

Randy is a skilled advocate with experience representing clients before a wide range of courts and tribunals including the Federal Court of Appeal, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, and the Ontario Labour Relations Board. 


His areas of expertise include wrongful dismissals, constructive dismissals, severance package reviews, workplace discipline, human rights law, disability law, workplace discrimination and harassment, employment agreements, occupational health and safety, employment standards, WSIB law, and workplace privacy. 

Randy holds a law degree from Osgoode Hall Law School, and a Bachelor of Health Sciences from McMaster University. Randy is currently one of the top-rated employment lawyers in Toronto.











Randy Ai - Toronto Employment Lawyers Randy Ai top firm labour wrongful dismissal court
Toronto Employment Lawyers
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