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Thomas Daly
Thomas Daly serves as Director, Client Services at Randy Ai Law Office. Contact Thomas today for assistance with your legal matter. With a heartfelt passion for advocacy, especially in employment law, Thomas brings to the table not only an empathetic, understanding approach, but also a robust analytical and legal mind.
Thomas completed his LLB at the University of Law, London Bloomsbury and was awarded a First Class Honours in recognition of his academic excellence (notably, with high first achievement in employment law).
Thomas Daly strives to make a positive, tangible difference in the lives of employees on a daily basis. Throughout his legal journey, Thomas has had access to justice and pro bono work at the top of his mind. During his time in London, he served on the University of Law Student Union, as Freedom of Religion and Belief Officer, as well as completed a pro bono scheme at a central London legal clinic. Given this lived, professional and personal experience, he values being able to work with real people, who have experienced injustice in their lives, and relishes the opportunity to help them and be able to improve their outcomes. In particular, what sets Thomas apart from his peers is a unique international perspective, as someone who has trained in and studied the common law on both sides of the Atlantic.
Away from the office, he enjoys gastronomy, like trying to cook new, unique dishes, and travel, having visited twenty countries, most recently Peru and Morocco.
Contact Thomas for a free consultation by completing the form below.